Frontend Clarifion Angular HTML CSS3 JavaScript Figma
Deployed in Vercel
Deployed in Vercel
Deployed in Netlify
Deployed in Netlify
Deployed in Vercel
Deployed in Vercel
Deployed in Vercel
Deployed in Vercel
Well I introduce myself my name is: Roberth Rondón I was born in Caracas - Venezuela, but living in Barranquilla - Colombia since 2018. I came to Colombia with a lot of desire to work, but I did not find a job in the four initials months. So I had to work for a delivery company for almost two years on a bicycle. Until I decided that I had to go back to work, with something I liked, computers. I have 9 years of experience in a telecommunications company, which opened my mind and heart for technology.
I am motivated by my six year old daughter, she moves my world and has given me a much broader outward vision about goals I want to achieve and the example I want to transmit to her that everything is possible for the one who believes in his heart that he can achieve what he sets out to achieve, if it is a genuine, authentic goal and that goes according to your beliefs, such as being a software engineer, doctor, firefighter or singer. "Everything is possible for the one who believes"(Marcos, 9:22)